- Car

3 Travel Service Contacts You Need To Keep in Your Phone

Travelling can be a fun and exciting endeavor, but it’s not without its challenges. Though you may plan for all the details of a trip, you should always expect the unexpected. To help prepare yourself for emergencies or setbacks, consider keeping a few helpful contacts in your phone.

1. Your Favorite Locksmith

Nothing is worse on the road than getting locked out of your car at a pit stop. Though you might carry a spare car key, accidents still do happen. Give yourself some peace of mind and save the contact information for your favorite automotive locksmith in your phone. That way, you’ll avoid wasting precious time getting help when the unexpected happens.

2. Your Roadside Assistance

When you have automotive problems in the middle of nowhere, you’ll want to have your roadside assistance number on hand in your phone contact. In the event that you get stranded out of cell service range, you’ll at least have the right number to call when you walk to a gas station or a local residence for a landline. You’ll also save time that you would have spent fumbling through paperwork or your wallet to find your roadside number.

3. Your Car Insurance

Even the most careful drivers run into an accident sometimes. When that happens, you’ll need to start the claim process with your car insurance. Though many claims do get filed online, you may need to talk with your insurance agent and find out what sort of information to collect at the scene. It’s best to keep your insurance’s service number handy in your phone so you can jump on that right away.

When you travel, you can save yourself a lot of headache by keeping important numbers on hand. That way, when problems do arise, you’ll be ready to solve them quickly and efficiently

About Rozy James

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